The programme is defined by the Scientific Program Committee:
S. Di Mitri (Elettra, Univ. of Trieste, chair)
G. D'Auria (Elettra)
P. Evtushenko (HZDR)
A. Ghigo (INFN-LNF)
A. Meseck (JGU Mainz, HZB)
F. Nguyen (ENEA)
S. Thorin (MAX IV)
S. Werin (Univ. of Lund, MAX IV)
P. Williams (STFC, Cockcroft Institute)
The program is now published, and it includes the following sessions:
1. CompactLight, lessons learned
2. New FEL sources
3. On the true origin of microbunching
4. Diagnostics of microbunching and beam manipulation
5. Magnetic lattices
6. Suppression of microbunching instability